Visit Tag

A Visit Tag consists of a URL address, and a display duration. Also, it specifies how many times to repeat. If you put Visit Tags inside a HTML document, then the pages specified in those Visit Tags will be displayed automatically in sequence. This is useful for presentations, demonstrations and exhibitions.

With a Visit Tag, automatic page-turning is controlled by Sidescape, i.e. it is client-pull method. This differs from server-enforced (server-push) page-turning.

Visit Tags are a Sidescape-created HTML extension. (Not yet generally-accepted as HTML code). A Visit Tag can be written into a usual HTML document. Netscape Navigator will ignore Visit Tags. But when the read and follow Visit Tags setting is X, Sidescape receives the document from Netscape Navigator, and then Sidescape will follow the Visit Tag's instructions.

Below is an example of HTML coding, using Visit Tags:
<html><visit repeat=1><visit href="" spend=10sec><visit href="" spend=10sec><visit href="" spend=10sec></html>

It is acceptable for a page to contain a Visit Tag that refers to a page which itself has a Visit Tag. In other words, Visit Tags can be nested.

You can create a HTML document having Visit Tags easily by using the URL List menu convert whole list into Visit Tag list. But, in this case, the values of repeat and spend parameters are set to defalut values, so you many want to change them using your favorate editor.

Using the Controller's Manual/Auto Navi. switch, you can stop the operation of Auto Navigation. But, there is no switch to stop the operation of Visit Tags. So, use the Controller's On/Off switch to stop Visit Tags from being performed.